Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotles Mind

This was a movie unlike any I have seen before. And I can honestly say it made me think about school on the weekend. I found myself going "I can't wait til Monday so we can finish the movie in class". For those of you who know me you will know that school is not what I'm interested in outside of the classroom, and usually in the classroom too.

The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was on of the most artist films I have ever seen. Everything in the movie was done on purpose. The small things too, like when Joel walks into the kitchen to find the nose and the TV shows his body, and the words slowly disappearing from the street signs and the books. And having the car crash out of nowhere when Joel talks about how his world is falling apart. It was the small things like this that show just how much thought was put into the making of this movie.

And the plot of this movie was unbelievable. A love lost and the anger impulse that follows to erase the memory. Then in the possess realizing why you fell in love in the first place and trying to stop the memory lose. You find yourself throughout the entire movie feeling for Joel, wanting him to somehow sucseeded and keep his memories just to watch it all slowly slip out of his hands. No matter how hard he tried to resist the memories just disappear. And the side plot between Frodo and Clementine, stealing Joel's past with Clem to win her heart. Then the Doc and Mary having a history and Mary not knowing it. The though of losing your most dear memories is frightening, and it makes you think about your own past relationships that when wrong. Then you realize yourself that you were only remembering the end, the bad times. The fight that ended it, the build up of anger, the break up. Well this movie, at least for me, made me think of relationships like that, then I started thinking of how the bad overshadowed the good times. I gives you a new perspective on you past as a whole. All the bad times you had don't seem as important, but the good seem stronger. And I think that that is one of the many ideas from the movie.

Plus this movie had a comic side to it. A movie that had very serious ideas behind it also had pothead jokes. The friend who was a stoner kept adding in comments about it, talking about how the smoking even out his drinking, then saying he can't see a thing. And Jim Carey being Jim Carey at some points, making it feel like a more manageable movie.

This is now a movie I am willing to add to my favorites list, and I recommend it for anyone who breaths, and even some people who don't.


Kate said...

Fossey, I seriously did not expect something this thorough when I thought to glance at your blog. Way to impress me, overachiever. Anyway, I love what you said about this film. I'm glad that somebody enjoyed it as much (if not more) as I did. I thought it was a phenomenal film, both in its aspects of cinematography and plot. This comment might be a little praise-heavy, but I really really like the last line of your post. Props, my friend (and I'm coming to your class tomorrow - get excited).

Nate B said...

I better not find you digging up bodies in the nearest cemetary just to recommend this movie. You just can't get enough of the stoner guy. I agree with you that this was a great artistic movie, not the most artistic that I've seen but it has been my favorite movie of the year so far. I liked how you commented on the little things that made all of the difference in showing Joel's memory being erased. Use spell check next time it looks a little unprofessional haha

DoHcVtEc said...

Jon, what a very detailed post, it has such feeling and meaning behind it...No im just kidding. But i agree with you when you noted on how detailed the movie was. there were many little details throughout the movie that were easily noticable that helped the veiwer understand what was happening to Joel. Take it easy man.