Thursday, November 1, 2007

His Girl Friday

The movie that we just finish watching in class earlier this week was His Girl Friday. This was to cover our screwball genre for the class and I felt it was a great choice. Now normally I don't really like the older style movies or the romantic take a girl to see it movie. But this one was not unbearable.

I won't lie it isn't making my all time favorite movies list but at the same time I've seen worse. The thing that I like about this movie is you don't have a chance to not pay attention. The movie moves so fast, the action happens quickly, the characters that at a ridiculously fast pace, they have multiple phone conversations at once, and you can never see what's coming next. Maybe that is because you don't have a chance to stop and think about it but that's besides the point. A movie that can keep me on my toes, trying to keep up with what is going on appeals to me. I mean I liked the Matrix trilogy cause it had the same kind of thing going for it where there is so much happening. Now It's not like you can compare The Matrix to His Girl Friday, since they are completely different styles of movies but they both keep you thinking.

But I also didn't like this film for the way that they expect you to think that this all happened in like one day. Hildy and Walter were married and got a divorce. Hildy just stopped by to say she quites and Walter starts trying to win her back. Then conveniently there is this huge story going on that Hildy has to report on for one last story. Then this story gets huge and they act like they never had the divorce. Now I've had friend with divorced parents and sometimes they can remain friends, but those two were ready to jump in bed together. And at the end of the day they want to get married again forgetting that they already tried that just a little while ago.

So over all I have to stay neutral on this movie. There were too many conflicting things to have me make a choice to like or dislike. I'll have to stay on the fence.


Anonymous said...

i agree with you. the movie was really fast paced and it is kind of unbelievable that soo much happened in one day.nice review

Nate B said...

I agree with you on the point that the ending is a bit farfetched but I am sorry I don't see that connection to the Matrix. That just seems like a stretch. I did like the way the movie made you listen, really LISTEN because if you let your guard down for five seconds you could be completely lost.