Sunday, November 18, 2007

Kiss Me Deadly

What is there that one can say about the movie Kiss Me Deadly. Honestly after viewing the movie I thought it was a joke ending. Nothing against you Mr. K but this was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. And justifying it by saying it was meant to be a B list movie jsut shows they know it was a dud.

The entire story doesn't really make any sense. Hammer picks up a naked girl who escaped from a mental hospital who makes sexual noises. Then gets kidnapped with her, watched her die and is almost killed himself. Then the FBI shows up and there is a big deal around this box.

I know it was a movie and everything doesn't have to work like it does in the real world but you're expected to think that a wooden box in a leather case in some random gym locker holds an nuclear weapon that brings the holocaust. Now what kind of drug was this person on when they made the plot. A group of monkeys with a pen and paper in a room could write a better plot then that. Hell my 3 year old cousin is Shakespeare compared to this.

And in genarl the Mike Hammer character is just some asshole who is looking for a fat check to come out of this one. Plus if I got a brand new jaguar from some random guy, bombs or no bombs you take that car and keep you mouth shut. That car probably cost the entire movie bugdet.

Well all in all I think you know my opinion of the movie and my review. so low writing about it is making me think about it which is giving me a headache.

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