Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Out of the Past

I have to admit coming into this film, I was expecting to watch some corny, cheese detective story. You know the kind. The ones with the private eye in a trench coat, calor popped, and a hat pulled down low. Because that is what I thought of when I thought film noir. And in some cases that is true but in this film out of the past i was pleasantly suppressed because I actually liked it a lot.

I mean what more can you ask for then a kickass hero who basically does every hot girl in the movie, even the bad ones. He's even got a deaf mute sidekick who doesn't even get a real name just "The Kid". Here's a guy who at the beginnign of the film just wants to move on in his life live a motist existance running a gas atation in some small town. But no his past comes out of nowhere to finish what he started. You might even say it came "Out of the Past" if you will.

Jeff was definately no of the coolest characters we have seen so far in art of film. But the way the movie makes him quietly appear and have low key lighting on his face just makes it that much more intense. And even though you never actually see a gun shot every time you hear one you know someone just died, usually by the hands of Kathie.

Now which this movie being followed by Kiss Me Deadly it makes it look just that much better. So if you have yet to see this movie and like old style crime solving films, pick it up sometime you might just be suprised.

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