Thursday, April 17, 2008

Robert Altman

Of all the films we have watched in both art of film one and two, Robert Altman's united has been the most enjoyable at least for me. With the expeption of Nashville which only really reflects my hatred of country music, both the Long Goodbye and The Player were very good movies.

I have never noticed a director using constant camera movement the way Altman did. He seems to take ideas and run them out to the end. The camera never stopped moving, but Philip never stopped smoking either. Now maybe it was just Altman showing that Phil was a character all his own but there was the constant use of the saying "It's ok with me". There is always themes repeating in the film.

Nashville was a little too ramdom for me. I never really got pulled into the plot like I did in his other films. All I saw going on was a bunch of country singers getting pulled into a political rally. There was no main story line and the character weren't very well connected in my view.

Lastly The Player. This movie was very entertaining. The entire move kept me interested, from the beginning with the threatening postcard to the end with the movie pitch of The Player. I was very unperdictable on the way it was going to end. I figured Griffin would get caught but Altman goes in a different direction, not really giving any closer.

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