Monday, May 5, 2008

Coen Brothers

The Coen brothers were by far the most entertaining directors we have studied so far. They grow i up right here in the thick of Minnesota and have a very unique style of film making. They don't really like to take any crap from critics which is very brave since most filmmakers die by them.

It was ridiculous that they got away with saying Fargo was based on a true story. It was a great movie that pulled me in especially since it was a Minnesota film. But if some guy wood chipped his partner in crime I feel like I would have heard about it.

All three of the films are among my all time favorites. Having never seen Raising Arizona before it is a hilarious movie that kept me laughing. Nicholas Cage is a very great actor and I really felt his character come together.

No Country For Old Men is an instant classic. Tommy Lee Jones was terrific and Anton was a terrifying angel of death. Every movie was great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree with you i liked all the films too.. and it is cool that the coen brothers are from minnesota