Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The Kurosawa film that I am choosing to write about is the samurai action film Yojimbo. I never really got where the title came from and it wasn't explained in the movie to my knowledge but still it was a great movie.

Te story itself was one that I really enjoyed, some much so that I even think I would enjoy the remake Fist Full of Dollars. The idea itself comes off as a very lone cowboy fighting the town of outlaws to clean out the riffraff and there was even the damsel in distress.

I didn't notice anything special with camera angles or shots but the use of weather in all of Kurosawa's movie to help tell the story was very cool. The wind coming back when the samurai with the gun returns to town was a very clear example of this.

I feel like the movie would have lost some of its impact on me if it were in color because the black and white really helped add to the feeling of the town being lost to the evil businessmen. And the use of sound was really interesting. Like the guy they had who was pretty much the town clock. Every time he would hit the wood together it should that there would be a battle starting, even though it was his job to yell the time he became a warning that the bloodshed was about to begin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yea i agree with you on the name. i dont really get where that came from. and i think that alck and white made it more intersesting. color couldn't of left the same effect.