Thursday, February 28, 2008


I really enjoyed this unit to start the new class off with. I've always known of Alfred Hitchcock but could never add anything to a conversation about him other then he is a famous British director who created a famous horror movie named The Birds, or make some clever joke about the combined words of hitch and cock (which by the way, got millions).

But now that I have watched three of his movies and have gotten over the obvious jokes about hitches I have to say they were surprisingly good. I'm not really one for the older movies, usually never having seen them but now that I've had the chance I must say Vertigo has had a lasting impression. The way Hitchcock portrayed the dream scene with the head spring and the background changing. Which has now been made into a joke effect was very effective in the movie.

Hitchcock was clearly one of the greatest director and I will definitely remember these movies.

So a man walks in on his wife having relations with another man, and the man says sorry I didn't know she was married, turning to address the man. But I am the best. To this the husband replied so I see you want a man that's more cocky.

Couldn't help it.

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