Thursday, February 28, 2008


I really enjoyed this unit to start the new class off with. I've always known of Alfred Hitchcock but could never add anything to a conversation about him other then he is a famous British director who created a famous horror movie named The Birds, or make some clever joke about the combined words of hitch and cock (which by the way, got millions).

But now that I have watched three of his movies and have gotten over the obvious jokes about hitches I have to say they were surprisingly good. I'm not really one for the older movies, usually never having seen them but now that I've had the chance I must say Vertigo has had a lasting impression. The way Hitchcock portrayed the dream scene with the head spring and the background changing. Which has now been made into a joke effect was very effective in the movie.

Hitchcock was clearly one of the greatest director and I will definitely remember these movies.

So a man walks in on his wife having relations with another man, and the man says sorry I didn't know she was married, turning to address the man. But I am the best. To this the husband replied so I see you want a man that's more cocky.

Couldn't help it.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Robinhood Men in Tights

This movie was a hilarious follow up movie to watch from Mel Brooks the constant humor following the humor used in Space balls made it a perfect fit.

This was basically another parody movie that Mel Brooks made of the famous Robin Hood story but instead it was filled with hilarious situations and many of what could be considered "stupid humor".

I of course find it hilarious like the way that Brooks has his characters address the cameras almost making fun of the fact that it is a movie. And the stupid unnecessary jokes.

Plus the way that Brooks uses editing and cuts to add to the humor by showing reaction shots is great.

This man clearly know how to work a camera and an audience.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Space Balls

As a group we watched space balls directed by Mel Brooks who actually plays two parts in the movie, first as the spaceballs president, then as the wise man Yogurt. The entire movie is a spook of the Star Wars movies making fun of the entire thing. They used humor for everything, even at one point playing the movie in the movie to try and find out where the princess is. Not to mention the constant merchandise for the movie that is used in the movie, place mats, shrits, and even dolls.

I thought it was brillant how Mel Brook took this movie with the odds that it will either flop or be a hit and packed as much comedy in it as possible, making jokes whenever possible. That way it discized how corny this film could have potentially been but instead making it into a comic genuis. Plue the consistently hilarious John Candy added to the already funny plot.